
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Reminiscing of Simpler Times

A fond reminiscence of simpler, happier days.....before the advent of the internet, television and World War.  A time even before the radio; when families would gather around in the parlor room on a Saturday night. They would play games and tell stories. If they were fortunate enough to know of a ventriloquist, they might even hire him to come and entertain..... perhaps from one of the following artists?

Uncle Vernon and his hatchet-wielding  Family.

"Aww but they are so cute!" you think and your heart skips with excitement.
"When can they come over?"

....not to put a damper on the moment, but I am wondering that when Uncle and family do come over, how many beds will they need???

Here is Julius and retarded half-brother Watermelon Mouth.

It will suck the life right out of you!

Lincoln, Blink-on, and Nob

First of all - why is Nob posing with heads? Or are they merely Victorian death masks? And that thing sitting down? What is it?**
**Answer: Siamese-Twin model 1884 aka Lincoln and Blink-on

DR. Tueur and murderous assassin assistant 

What the frick is wrong with it's eye!!?!!!!
No!!!- not the ventriloquist  
-The dummy!!!-
 Maybe the eye was lost during the Boer War, from a well aimed bedpan?** ...
.... I'm thinking...
.....                   ................
**Answer: No clue
p.s. in spite of the "accident", the Doctor does seem very attached to his moppet.

Creepy and Crawly

When not eking out a living, selling impotent versions of the (in)famous **Alabama Snake Oil**see below. These two Vaudevillians toured the Deep South, entertaining migrant workers and their families by day and sneaking into their bedroom windows by night. I can't figure out which one is the marionette, however.
** Alabama Snake Oil** there is no such thing you idiot


Jeremy aka the witch doctor's mouthpiece from hell and unknown human dummy

Why is there black all over it's face? Is it a hybrid clown-puppet? 
.......and it's hair looks like it came off a scalping victim ...... what is it leering at? 

I have so many questions! So many of which I am afraid will never be answered.

Time marches on and waits for no one and no thing.

Sadly, I doubt that there are any witnesses  who still live..... unless, they are around 110 years old - then I suppose it's possible.

Images harvested -hee hee- from ThumbPress

To add to our nostalgic experience, I have included snippets from a fine, yet relatively obscure, Anthony Hopkins movie: 

It is a pretty good show; and its 1970's R-rating (yea right), would probably be the equivalent to a modern day pg-13. So check it out. 

Since we're doing a post about creepy puppets, the following clip is from the 1945 film: 
                                        Dead of Night

See it! A classic!

There we go - lot's of material for everyone to enjoy! 
Sleep well!!!!

p.s. soon we will do a feature on clowns!!!! 


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